If you are like most people, you don't like the idea of "being controlled". To be controlled by Christ's love is just like it sounds - controlling. However, it is a control factor that Christians place themselves under as people in a covenant relationship with God that is found through Christ.
Imagine yourself as a cow that is put in a tight cage. Now the reason a rancher may place a cow in a tight cage is so he can control its movement. Perhaps he needs to give shots to the beast. He "controls" it by the use of a tight cage.
For a Christian, the "love of Christ" is that tight cage - the control. We give up our rights to do our own thing and are controlled by the "love of Christ" to do the godly thing - whatever that is. The love of Christ spurs us on to live the godly life.
Are you "controlled" by the love of Christ?
The Lord's humbled . . . John A. Reeves