A friend of mine wrote poetry before he died. His name was Dallas Brown. He wrote two books: Intimate Voice of God, Heavy Rain and Light Breezes.
The following is an unpublished poem by him for me and my second wife after my first wife passed.
Under His Wing
Under the Wing of God
I found you
My love, my one and only,
We would have been married long
And happily
But your tragic death
Changed all plans.
Why? Why was I bereft
Of my youthful, loving,
My chaste virgin,
Who knew no man,
Who waited until we
Became one in our own home?
My love for her will not fade.
Healing trudged slow
And sadly, until a day
When he touched my face,
With a Light Breeze
Reminding me of his many
Blessings of life.
I could only love again,
By this power of God.
Don't think me rash,
Or hasty, or as giving up
On a dream I once had.
My dream remains
To do His Will!
If a friend join me
As a new wife
In the Lord,
We shall continue on
In His Steps!